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12 June 2008

Also: John McCain Protection:

John McCain Protection Richmond, VA, 9 June 2008

Photos and Captions by Shepherd Johnson.

Police had the entire block around the Richmond Omni Hotel cordoned off.


I asked this man if he was a Secret Service agent, he said that he was, he had a a lapel pin with a star on it that looked more like U.S. Marshals identification. Beige vans in background were for the press. This was the first event John McCain allowed press to cover. But normal everyday citizens? "Fuck the fuck off!" This is where McCain's motorcade entered the underground parking facility of the Richmond Omni Hotel.


This is the area where John McCain's motorcade emerged from the underground garage onto the street.


Richmond police officer smoking a cigarette while on duty.


Smoking cop, smoking and walking at the same time.


There were so many cops at this event they didn't know what to do with themselves. The entire city block was closed off.


Virginia State Police car. First of the motorcade. I didn't count, but it seemed like McCain's motorcade had about 20 vehicles.


All these cops have suits on. Secret Service per haps?


Bad picture of McCain.


John McCain. The asset always sits in the back seat behind the front passenger side seat when driving in regular type civilian vehicles. It's got more leg room.


Secret Service agent scrutinizing me. McCain in back seat.


This car is either John McCain's or his Secret Service agent in charge. I think it's the Secret Service agent's, they all seem to live in Maryland the location of the Secret Service training facility.


Maryland plates - 00668M3.


I got kicked out of the Richmond Omni Hotel for confronting Representative Eric Cantor(R-VA), my representative in Congress, about impending war with Iran. The cops did not want me anywhere on the block after that. This cop posed for a picture. After I got kicked out the cops all knew who I was and were scrutinizing me when ever I came around them. Have to admit, some were OK.


After I got kicked out, I went to my vehicle to put more money in the meter. After I did that, I was about a block away going back to the Richmond Omni and I look back and see this cop had followed me and was now checking out my car.


I walked back toward my vehicle and the bike cop rode off, pretending like he wasn't doing anything.


Sneaky cop, I saw him later and asked him why he was following me and writing down my vehicle information. He said he was "just doing his job." I told him he was the reason why people hate cops.


Sneaky cop, rode away when he saw me noticing him.


Sneaky cop, the Nazi's were "just doing their jobs" too.